Banjo Catfish
Banjo Catfish 4cm
Breed information
Bunocephalus Coracoideus - These catfish are named after their banjo shaped bodies, they are roughly textured and varying shades of brown in colour.
Native to Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Uruguay, in the wild they emulate a leaf to avoid predators, they will often burrow into the substrate. Banjo cats are shy, peaceful and prefer to live in groups.
Important information regarding feeding: Banjo Cats will generally only eat after dark so will need to be fed after the main tank lights have been turned off and their food should be a sinking pellet so they can sift the substrate.
Maximum size: 15cm
Lifespan: 10-12 years
Temperature: 24-28 degrees celsius
Tank requirements: Filter & Oxygen, Heater
Tank Mates: Other peaceful freshwater tropical fish.
Feeding: Good Quality Sinking Pellets