Yellow Peacock (imported)
Yellow Peacock (imported) 5-6cm
Breed information
Aulonocara Baenschi - These fish (males) have a yellow body and metallic blue head when fully mature.
Originating specifically in Lake Malawi, Africa, these fish should only be kept with other cichlids from Lake Malawi as they are aggressive towards others (and each other) These fish should be overstocked with plenty of rocks/caves to provide hiding places and prevent line of sight to temper aggression. The male peacocks are the ones that are brightly coloured, with the females remaining a silver grey generally. The males will not come into their full colour until they are around 3-4" and reaching sexual maturity. These fish are mouthbrooders which means the female will hold the fertilised eggs in her mouth, constantly turning them, until they hatch and she releases them after around 21 days. The female will not eat during this time and will often hide in a corner to keep away from the other fish, a pouch in the bottom of her mouth will gradually darken as the eggs mature into fry. Once the fry are expelled from the females mouth, they are fully independent.
These fish are relatively easy to care for but research should be done before deciding to commit to them as they can live for a long time and are aggressive.
Maximum size: 13cm
Lifespan: 6-10 years
Temperature: 24-28 degrees celsius
Tank requirements: Filter & Oxygen, Heater
Tank Mates: Other cichlids from Lake Malawi
Feeding: Good Quality Spirulina Flakes with the occasional treat of live/frozen food.