Snow White Zebra Mbuna
Snow White Zebra Mbuna 4-6cm
Breed information
Pseudotropheus Socolofi - Albino mbuna so completely white body and red eyes.
Mbuna Information:
There are around 150 different species of Mbuna Cichlid to be found in Lake Malawi. As a generalisation, Mbuna prefer rocky enviroments and are usually found closer to shore in shallower waters. As with all african cichlids, they should only be kept with other african cichlids due to their agressive nature.
These are a really boisterous group of cichlids and rarely stay still, they come in a very wide range of colours and patterns and have a hierarchical nature, with one usually being in charge and all the others on the ladder rungs below. Often there is one at the bottom of the pecking order who will look slightly tatty as they are the one most often picked on and will bear the brunt of the aggression in the tank. These cichlids should be overstocked and provided caves and hiding places and should be very well filtered.
Although easy to care for and extremely hardy, cihlids should be fuly researched before you make a commitment to keep them as they are relatively long lived and aggressive.
Maximum size: 18cm
Lifespan: 8-10 years
Temperature: 24-27 degrees celsius
Tank requirements: High Powered Filter & Oxygen, Heater
Tank Mates: Other Malawi Cichlids.
Feeding: Good Quality Spirulina Flake or Pellets