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Ramshorn Snails (assorted colours)

Ramshorn Snails (assorted colours)

Ramshorn Snails (assorted colours) 1cm

  • Breed information

    Planorbidae - These snails have a flat spiral shell, similar to a Ram's horn, hence the name, and come in a wide range of colour combinations (skin and shell) which are the result of selctive breeding. These snails also breathe air so will often climb above the water level.

    No longer easy to find in the wild, they are prolific in the aquarium trade. These busy little snails are very easy to care for and contribute to the aquarium ecosystem. Easy to breed, these snails are hermaphrodites meaning they can breed with any other ramshorn snail and can produce large numbers of eggs. 

    Maximum size: 2.5cm

    Lifespan: Up to 1 year (but they will self replenish)

    Temperature: 22-24 degrees celsius 

    Tank requirements: Filter & Oxygen, Heater

    Tank Mates: Any other peaceful community fish.

    Feeding: Will generally eat algae from around the tank, dead fish and dead plant matter.

£0.75 Regular Price
£0.50Sale Price
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