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Checkered Barb

Checkered Barb

Checkered Barb 2cm

  • Breed information

    Puntius Conchonius - These fish are a beautiful orange/red/rosy colour and have long flowing fins.

    Originally hailing from Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bangladesh, they are a lively addition to any community tank and are peaceful. They are a shoaling fish and so prefer to live in groups of 6 or more, in smaller groups they can become nippy with other tank mates.

    Maximum size: 15cm

    Lifespan: up to 5 years

    Temperature: 18-22 degrees celsius

    Tank requirements: Filter & Oxygen, Heater.

    Tank Mates: Other freshwater fish of a similar size and temperament.

    Feeding: Good Quality Flake or Pellets

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