6-8cm Snow White Bristlenose Plec
Snow White Bristlenose Plec 6-8cm
Breed information
Ancistrus Cirrhosus - These plecos are also sometimes known as bushy nose due to the bristles they have on the front of their faces which are much more prominent in the males.
Originating in the Amazon basin, bristlenose come in a varitey of colours and patterns. They are extremely easy to care for and will help keep your aquarium algae free and are easygoing enough to get on with anything in a community tank (even shrimp)
Maximum size: 15cm
Lifespan: 5+ years
Temperature: 22-30 degrees celsius
Tank requirements: Filter & Oxygen, Heater
Tank Mates: Anything really.
Feeding: Cucumber and Courgette and good quality algae wafer