Blue Parrot Fish
Blue Parrot Fish 3"
Breed information
Rocio Octofasciata - These fish have a round body and prominent nuchal humps with a smaller head.
Not found in the wild but originally created as a hybrid in Taiwan in 1986. Although classed as semi-aggressive, these fish tend to show aggression only when living with other aggressive fish, they do prefer to live in groups and are much more confident when they live with others of their species. They will spend a lot of time hiding and sometimes lay on their sides when stressed.
Maximum size: 20cm
Lifespan: 10-15 years
Temperature: 25-28 degrees celsius
Tank requirements: Filter & Oxygen, Heater
Tank Mates: Other parrot fish and less aggressive species.
Feeding: Good Quality Flake or Pellet. High Protein.